
Joachim peiper quotes
Joachim peiper quotes

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The Anglosphere, Eastern Europe and the Baltics have emerged as enthusiastic backers of Ukraine. An intra-West divide is becoming apparent over support for Ukraine. A statue to Bandera stands in Lviv and some Ukrainian troops idolize him so much they bear tattoos of his likeness.Īmid the far mightier sturm und drang of the current war ravaging Ukraine, the verbal brouhaha in Berlin received minimal coverage in English-language media. Melnyk had previously courted controversy by visiting Bandera’s grave, but he is not alone in his admiration. “The statements not only undermine the values ​​we all cherish and believe in, but also undermine the courageous struggle of the Ukrainian people to live by democratic values ​​and in peace,” it said according to the report. “The statements of the Ukrainian ambassador are a distortion of historical facts, a belittling of the Holocaust and an insult to those who were murdered by Bandera and his people,” the Israeli Embassy fumed in comments reported by German media Die Welt.

Joachim peiper quotes